Npi Number California Area Code 858

Npi number california area code 858 – Delving into the realm of healthcare identification, we unveil the significance of National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers in California’s 858 area code. These unique identifiers play a pivotal role in streamlining healthcare delivery, facilitating seamless communication, and ensuring patient safety.

Join us as we explore the intricacies of NPI numbers, their structure, and their prevalence within this vibrant region.

California’s 858 area code encompasses a diverse landscape of major cities and towns, including San Diego, La Jolla, and Del Mar. This region is home to a thriving healthcare community, with a substantial number of NPI numbers registered within its boundaries.

National Provider Identifier (NPI) Numbers: Npi Number California Area Code 858

Npi number california area code 858

National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers are unique 10-digit identification numbers assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. They are used to identify providers in all healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and private practices. NPI numbers are essential for electronic health information exchange and for tracking and monitoring healthcare quality.

NPI numbers are composed of two parts: the prefix and the suffix. The prefix is a two-digit number that indicates the type of provider. The suffix is an eight-digit number that is unique to each provider.

Valid NPI numbers must meet the following criteria:

  • The first two digits must be between 01 and 99.
  • The remaining eight digits must be unique to the provider.
  • The number must pass a checksum calculation.

Invalid NPI numbers may include:

  • Numbers that do not meet the criteria above.
  • Numbers that have been deactivated or suspended.

California Area Code 858

Area code 858 is located in the southern part of California. It covers the cities of La Jolla, Del Mar, and Solana Beach. Area code 858 was created in 1998 as a split from area code 619. It is one of the most affluent area codes in the United States.

The 858 area code is home to many high-tech companies, including Qualcomm and Illumina. It is also home to the University of California, San Diego.

Fun fact: Area code 858 was originally assigned to the city of San Diego. However, in 1998, the city of San Diego was assigned area code 619, and area code 858 was created to serve the southern part of the county.

NPI Numbers in California Area Code 858

As of 2023, there are over 10,000 NPI numbers registered in the 858 area code. The majority of these numbers are held by physicians and other healthcare professionals.

The following are the types of healthcare providers with the highest concentration of NPI numbers in the 858 area code:

  • Physicians
  • Dentists
  • Chiropractors
  • Acupuncturists
  • Nurses

The distribution of NPI numbers across different specialties and subspecialties within the 858 area code is consistent with the overall distribution of healthcare providers in the United States.

Using NPI Numbers to Find Healthcare Providers

Npi number california area code 858

NPI numbers can be used to search for healthcare providers in the 858 area code. There are several online and offline resources available for NPI number lookups.

The following are some tips for effectively using NPI numbers to find the right healthcare provider for specific needs:

  • Use a reputable NPI number lookup service.
  • Enter the NPI number correctly.
  • Review the provider’s profile carefully before making an appointment.

Verifying NPI Numbers

Area 559 661 714 map 805 619 818 925 310 626 949 858 951 424 510 909 code 408 california

It is important to verify NPI numbers to ensure accuracy and validity. This can be done through official sources, such as the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) database.

The following are the steps involved in verifying NPI numbers through NPPES:

  • Go to the NPPES website.
  • Click on the “Search” tab.
  • Enter the NPI number in the search box.
  • Click on the “Search” button.

NPPES will return a profile of the provider, including their name, address, and contact information. You can also verify the provider’s NPI number by calling the NPPES Help Desk at 1-800-465-3203.

FAQ Explained

What is the purpose of NPI numbers?

NPI numbers are unique identifiers assigned to healthcare providers in the United States. They facilitate accurate identification, streamline communication, and enhance patient safety.

How do I find healthcare providers in the 858 area code using NPI numbers?

Various online and offline resources are available for NPI number lookups, including the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website and directories maintained by healthcare organizations.

Why is it important to verify NPI numbers?

Verifying NPI numbers ensures the accuracy and validity of provider information, preventing fraud and ensuring the delivery of high-quality healthcare services.

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